
Startup Growth Accelerator Program helping deeptech Startups engaged in building digital solutions for the manufacturing industry.

Business and technology mentoring through Samvad 4.0

Engage with experts on the technical and business sides and to learn the market dynamics and understand the current trends.

Market access by leveraging industry engagement initiatives

Meet senior executives of major industry players and leverage their knowledge and experience to take your product to the market

Funding support from grants & Venture capitalist

Connect with prominent venture capitalists and angel investors in the country who are part of our various programs.

Product development infrastructure

With our lab access, tie-ups with industry accelerator programs, and engagements with technical experts take your product from prototype to build

Capability Building

Acceleration program aimed to support deep-tech mature startups to Grow by connecting startups to Industries, Investors, & Government.

Opportunity to showcase your products/solutions

Explore Smart Manufacturing Competency Center, a virtual platform for Startups to showcase Industry 4.0 solutions to the manufacturing leaders.

Digital Innovators Meet up

Leadership Meet of Digital led Technology Start-ups

What startups have to say about us

To know more about our initiatives